
Spiders are not generally seen as pests due to the fact that they are predators who feed on pests (flies, ants, and beetles), however they are very frightening and can inflict a great amount of pain when biting a human or animal. Some spiders are not poisonous, such as the Rain spider; however their bites are extremely painful and can cause irritation of the skin or serious allergic reactions. These spiders are commonly found in homes when it rains as they seek shelter.

Poisonous spiders such as the Black widow spider can also be found in the typical household environment (dark, warm areas such as garages, garden sheds, and other nooks and crannies) and are extremely dangerous because their venom contains neurotoxin latrotoxin which severely affects the nervous system. The female Black widow spider is the one to watch out for because she has unusually large venom glands which can result in death of the victim she has bitten.

All spiders are generally attracted to light on the exterior of buildings because they know that this is where other insects will be attracted to as well and it is therefore a good opportunity for them to catch their prey. Any areas where there is an over-growth of grass or plants is a place you will find many insects and therefore many spiders. Open water which attracts insects such as mosquito’s or midges will also attract spiders. When spider eggs hatch, there are hundreds of little spiderlings which can easily fit through the cracks in buildings and houses and therefore infest the home environment.

It is important to keep an eye on your living areas for spiders as they leave nasty bites and cause excruciating pain and even death. One can identify a spider bite because the spider’s fangs leave behind two small piercings next to each other in the skin. If the spider is venomous and it bites you, there will be two puncture marks in your skin and a red line which starts at the bite and down your arm or leg (or wherever else it has bitten you). The red line that forms is the venom making its way through your bloodstream. If the red line is extremely red, swollen, and tender or hot, you need to go to a hospital as soon as possible in order to be treated.